Design and video production Yazaki
Here's the project
The Designarte™ won the international competition for the development of the Strategic Communication Plan of the Department of Environment, Health and Safety of Yazaki Europe.
Being Yazaki the world's largest producer of wiring harnesses, this project was prompted directly by the European headquarters of Yazaki (Germany), having the Designarte™ won this account in a competition that involved many communication agencies in europe.
In the sequence of the actions that have been outlined in the communication plan, the Designarte™ has developed a multimedia presentation for the annual meeting of Yazaki, which is held every year in Germany, and with the presence of all the presidents of the group.
As regards Paul Taveira, CEO of Designarte™, “This achievement is estrema importance to the agency given that power other businesses and projects with a similar level of responsibility. In fact, we have already been contacted by a company that saw the multimedia presentation that we made to the Yazaki”