The advertising agency and the power of the consumer!
Today, more than ever, it is he who decides what he sees, what he wants, when and how, being almost immune to advertising messages, and causing so many headaches for email marketers.
With the command of the tv in one hand, smartphone in the other, and the laptop connected to the Internet 24 hours per day, the consumer no longer is what it was: it became interactive, super-demanding, hyper-selective and very rigorous; it demands immediate satisfaction and total customization. Ignore the advertising, and it becomes a headache for the advertising agencies.
With the numerous “channels” and “local” with information that you have access to, it is also true the contrary: Never has the consumer been so accessible to the Marketeers as they are now.
The relationship between consumers and brands has changed radically in recent years, and the Marketing that is practiced by the companies with rare and honourable exceptions - has not kept up with these trends.
The forms of Communication in the most traditional are in such a way unframed this new reality that they are at serious risk of overrunning the consumer in the short term – if not already done so; or at least the messages in advertising are becoming increasingly irrelevant, like so many others, lost in the immensity of the inputs received daily by the Consumer.
More than having the impulse of wanting to pass on to the consumer content and messages that he probably does not want to hear, the most important is our ability to surprise you, conectarmo with him, offer him something in exchange if possible and above all to always seek to provide you with an interesting experience and that it, at least in the short/medium term, you won't forget.
We live today, and increasingly, in a world in which the consumer is intervening, demanding, the main actor and, today more than ever, the most important ingredient in Communication. Today there are Blogs, Vlogs (video), Wikis, Podcasts and no end of alternative ways to communicate, among which, the brands strong sharing of content and experiences, as in the cases of Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, MySpace, and the inevitable and massive Facebook.
And more alternatives to communication traditional are arriving, among which an open version of Facebook and the competitor of giant Google – planned for this year! Not to mention the Google TV (to be released in 2011), but this is a revolution in the way people will have access to information...
Companies and Marketeers have to focus on to adapt their Communication methodologies to this model hipertecnológico, with audiences increasingly selective, demanding, dispersed, difficult to reach and nearly instant access to information from various quarters.
The great paradox is precisely that the consumer has never been so accessible as now. A concrete example is that appear daily in the new media and alternative means of advertising our message. Advertising Smarts, Wasps with billboards, Ecomobile, via Bluetooth, wi-fi, in the back of the photocopy, in the hangers of card, drink labels and even on the sand of the beaches, among many others.
On the other hand, the Product Placement on television and other traditional media have been shown to be increasingly effective and technical before an advertiser that avoids each time more and posts the ads. There's also the growing industry of computer games and consoles, which even though a specific market and with an audience that's very concrete, it does have its importance by the size of it has already taken (according to the latest statistics, this has already surpassed the market of cinema and audiovisual).
Also no one puts into question the effectiveness and ROI of your online investment. A good website, interactive and relevant, submissions via e-mail marketing, campaigns for specific products and services targeted by key words (through, for example, Google AdWords), ads on specific websites, mobile, advertising in mobile apps (as is the case of some applications for free in the Apple App Store), a good and permanent job of Search Engine Optimization, etc. etc. This has always been properly interconnected, preferably at the same time and integrated with other forms of communication.
But the big challenge for email marketers is, and always will be, the CREATIVITY and the ability to surprise the Consumer! A good example was the media exposure that the inauguration of IKEA North failed to with the, simple and direct, the Campaign of the “100 € for the first 100 customers”, providing including the beds (from IKEA!) for people to be able to spend the night until the store open.
It is thus obvious that the component more effective in the Communication is the effective choice and the combination of the “Tool Media”, a way to really creative, unexpected, amazing, which will make the consumer think about the brand and, end goal, buy our product!
See our
portfolio of graphic design, where you can find many examples of advertising campaigns and ads.