Sales online? The creation of online stores
Having a website is not synonymous with selling. The presence on the internet must be well-structured, with a website powerful and capable, advertised and must be made a large investment in “total customer satisfaction” (packaging, response to e-mails, newsletters, telephone support, etc.) In a competitive market, and with quality products and services increasingly standardized, wins the one who have the ability to provide the lowest final cost to the customer, and the higher level of satisfaction.
There can be fundamentalism in online sales, the company must make available as much information as possible about themselves and about how to contact you. In addition to the site and e-mail, should be made available to other forms of contact such as the telephone company, the physical address. What matters is to capture the user's attention, to reassure him and show himself willing to take you all the questions. If the side of a product, in addition to his image, and of the technical characteristics, you have a phone number or an e-mail, the customer can clarify any question residual and buy. The process should be as transparent as possible. All languages are admitted as long as it facilitates communication. It is important to monetize the value-added of the internet not only at the level of the interactivity, but at the level of the image. Show multiple photos of the product, in different sizes, so that the ciberconsumidor can apprehend of the fact that the product.
It is necessary that the website provide extensive information on the products, images from various perspectives, competitive pricing and a stock of assorted and broad to effectively cover all the orders.
The company should also be aware that there is a significant difference between the total number of consumers and the number of internet users and between these and the number of online shoppers.
When speaking of the internet as a means of “global” we must take into account that this does not mean that all users are potential customers. It is important to recognize the market niches and to direct the marketing.
MARKETING Market segmentation is an important concept in a business online. The marketing here is a must. The online shop can not be lost in an amalgam of information. Having a website and not to disclose it is the same as having a shop lost in an alley of a neighborhood unknown. Probably just your neighbors there will out of curiosity. Mark your store, give you visibility and good reasons for customers to come back again to your site. Bet on permission marketing, in partnerships, in newsletters. A marketing well done is almost surgical as it arrives to your potential customers, but remember that there is no point in attracting visitors if you have nothing to show.
Please keep in mind that the user may not be forced to provide your personal details, nor that these data are only your e-mail. But when you are request for data, the site must inform the user of this fact. The user has every right to know what happens to the personal data that it offers, and how this information is stored and used. Only after you have this information is that the user may allow their data to be saved. It is obvious that it is an asset to the site have a list of emails of potential clients, but they should know that when they enter their data are to be provided for a particular purpose. The user should still be able to edit your data, updating or removing them when well understand. A marketing-based in honesty is more fruitful in the long term than a marketing massacrante.
See our
portfolio of web design, where you can find many examples of online stores.