• Website creation and web design AAAFEP


Website creation and web design AAAFEP


The Designarte™ has developed the web design of the new website for the AAAFEP – the Association of Former Students of the Faculty of Economics of Porto. Having as mission the promotion of the coexistence among the former students of the College as well as participation and effort in the dissemination of activities beneficial to the members and to the communities, it was important to the character, functional and institutional of this internet page.

In this sense, was developed a website of a promotional character and informative, but without losing the posture, and the graphic design of institutional, trying to respond in a very concrete and clear to the requests of the members.

The Designarte™ sees itself as a digital marketing agency, area this in that we have a team of web designers who work together for many years, for whom the creation of websites and web design are what we love to do.


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